The desire to know is as unstoppable as its emergence is inevitable. In previous centuries, this fervent curiosity was forbidden and persecuted, but the legitimate desire to understand and discover always ends up finding a way.

That is why when we walk into a courtyard and see our vision blocked, and when we can only glimpse the sky from a few corners, we are overcome by the temptation to want to see everything and get around the obstacle that is preventing us from doing so. Unaffected, a demiurgical device that has taken a suprematist form through geometry, protecting us from the elements but also obscuring our vision, blurring the sky, oppressing us.
We have to climb the stairs to emerge and see the rain; to see the complete picture and understand, in short, through curiosity.
Team Gerard Bertomeu, Enrique Soriano, Pep Tornabell
Client Festival A Cel Obert
Builders Tecnodimensión
PhotoCredit Antonio Bouzas
Date 5/10/2021