Labsis Stage is an ultra thin apse for temporary ceremonies.
The structure is an elastic geodesic gridshell from hand bent GFRP planks, with neither cutouts nor waste, and fully reusable.
The straigth and flat planks were numerically bored, assembled in a grid lying at the ground,and then fully deployed by elastic means without scaffolding. The grid is then braced with a diagonal and covered with a smooth unpatterned membrane. The structure is made with 164 meters of 5mm thick planks, and weighs 170 kg. The stage was commissioned for the Lapsus festival of avant garde electronic music held in Barcelona Contemporary Culture Centre (CCCB).
Labsis Stage
Team Enrique Soriano, Pep Tornabell
Client Lapsus Festival
PhotoCredit Andrés Flajszer, Judith Contreras
Date 02/04/2016
Collaborators Yago Antón, Quim Escoda, Martina Fabré, Yoel González, Eugenio Grau, Alba Hugas, Sergi Illa, Emma Leigh, Gador Luque, Raúl Nieves, Tatiana M.Melo, Elisenda Planell, Sira Plans, Anna Rizou, Marc Roca, Maria Roy, Mireia Villanueva
Sponsors Nioglas, Dogi, Sip-Europ, Celo Apolo
Acknowledgments We want to deeply acknowledge to our sponsors Dogi and Sip-Europ, but above all, to Marcos A. Comamala Mas-Yebra and Rosa Palau from Nioglas, which without their support with the pultruded profiles the project would not have been possible. Special thanks to Daniel Piker for the simulation engine Kangaroo, and to all the fantastic crew of Lapsus. Last but not least, special thanks to Ramon Sastre, Chris Williams and Dragos Naicu for the geometric support in the ongoing research on geodesic gridhsells.